Weekly meets and targets
This blog will be updates Bi-weekly.
WEEK 1 and 2
MOM - 27th May, 2023
Discussed the scope and implementation of the project
- Set targets for Week 1
- Go through the PRU Assembly, compile some examples using pru-gcc
- Refer the Cpu0 backend, going through the codebase and implementation
- Read the PRU section of the reference manual, and understand more about it
Suggestion given : Look for a way to take care of the special functions in the language, like gpio pins configuration, debugging functionality and so on
Final goal : Upstreaming the backend
- References shared: https://mythopoeic.org/BBB-PRU/am335xPruReferenceGuide.pdf https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/spruh73q/spruh73q.pdf
WEEK 3 and 4
MOM - 10th June, 2023
Discussed some PRU instructions and registers
- Set target for Week 2
- Modify the existing implementation of PRU Backend to support the latest LLVM version 16
- Write the registerinfo.td for PRU
- Write the instrinfo.td for PRU
- References shared: https://llvm.org/docs/TableGen/ProgRef.html https://www.ti.com/lit/SPRUIJ2 https://mythopoeic.org/BBB-PRU/am335xPruReferenceGuide.pdf https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-patches/2018-06/msg00775.html https://github.com/bryant/llvm-pru
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